Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Evil Lurking in Our Food

Today's Topic: MSG (a.k.a. monosodium glutamate)

A very quick history: MSG first came to the US in the late 1940s and is used as a flavor-enhancer - a cheap one at that. It is basically used to make bad food taste decent. The process by which it was made was fundamentally changed in 1956 into one of bacterial fermentation. This is when the adverse reactions really started making a scene... So, what's the big deal about MSG? Plenty. Let me explain.

MSG is what is termed an excitotoxin. (excite-o-toxin) What does an excitotoxin do? Here's an analogy to explain. I am sure you all have seen rust before - especially on old cars. That is caused by oxidation and is slowly destroying the car. What MSG does at the cellular level is it causes the cell to rust, through allowing calcium in the cell that acts as a highly oxidative force once inside. The calcium bounces around like a ball in a pinball machine, wreaking havoc. The cell goes from brand-new BMW status to old, rusty beater. Not good. But it doesn't stop there. Eventually the cell can't handle the "rust", and it goes through apoptosis. In other words: IT DIES. The cell is "excited" to death. You may think, like a car, that you at least will get several years of good use out of the cell. This is where the analogy stops. Excitotoxins can kill a brain cell within just ONE HOUR of exposure. One hour.

Even worse is the fact that MSG can cross the blood brain barrier. That means your brain cells are fair game. On top of that, older folks and young children are more susceptible to its effects. Yikes. So, what are its effects?

The effects of MSG are many, but here are a few:

- neurological damage, even in unborn babies
- cell death
- headaches, migraines
- skin rash
- heart irregularities
- seizures
- depression
- reproductive disorders
- stunted growth

There are many more, but you get the point. And MSG's effects are cumulative, meaning the stuff sticks with you.

So, what is it in? There is a common perception that if you avoid Chinese food you're safe. WRONG. It is in salad dressings, soups, favorings, most packaged foods, virtually all fast food (McD's, Chick-Fil-A...) - even vaccines and BABY FORMULA. Click here. This makes me furious.The manufacturers are pretty sneaky these days about wanting to hide this nasty stuff, so they put it under all kinds of names, like gelatin, autolyzed yeast extract, etc. Here's a link to a link of the hidden names for MSG. Click here.

Also, here is a link to a lecture given by Dr.Russell Blaylock, a well-known neurosurgeon and expert on excitotoxins. Click here.
I know it sounds dull, but this is an EXCELLENT presentation on the horrible effects of MSG on the body. I highly recommend it.

Bottom line: avoid MSG like the plague. Read the labels. I cannot stress how awful this stuff really is for you. I know this is hard to avoid, but again, your health - and the health of your children - will thank you.

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