Monday, November 2, 2009

And I'll have a slab of butt-kicking, too!

Okay, this is the OFFICIAL day to start all the diet changes. So far so good... I think I am going to have my green smoothie for dinner... You know, change it up a bit! When you are limited on choices, it is definitely the little things.

So, I have decided that if I am going to make a huge change in my diet, I might as well make one in my activity level. So, with much fear and trembling last night, I located my workout clothes and set them out for the Y visit this morning. I sat for quite some time with my lock, trying to remember the stupid combination! After many tries, I finially got it right, so that was my sign that there was no turning back...

I discovered that one way to get myself to the gym is to post it on Facebook. I would feel pretty silly if I just sat on my tail instead, so it is my form of motivation. I must say, I was dreading going to the gym this morning. When you have been out of the game for some time, you know you are rusty. It's just trying to figure out how rusty...

And let me be honest: Working out at the Y at in the mornings is a humbling experience. That's when the uber-fit stay-at-home moms and trophy wives come. I swear, most of these folks have 2% body fat. These ladies have not seen a cheeseburger in quite some time. I know I am not a big person, but there is definitely a difference between "thin and firm" and "thin and flabby". Luckily I ran into a friend (yeah, Alia!) so that I would not have to walk into Body Pump alone. For those of you not familiar with BP, it is a weightlifting class - mostly bar, some dumbbells. Lots, LOTS of reps. You lift weights for every major muscle group in your body to very loud music. (Good thing, so you don't hear the moaning as much!)

I used to take this class on a regular basis last spring, so I knew the setup routine so as to blend in as much as possible. I recognized some of the "regulars" that are still there, especially one tiny woman who effortlessly lifts twice the weight I can while she pops her gum. Ugh. All the uber-fit folks get up in front, while I strategically hang out on the second to last row. That is my spot - at least for now. And so the music started. Okay, lift...

I know black is said to be slimming, but does it hide shaking!?!? After about 500 squats, I had sea legs. But wait, that is just the FIRST muscle group. By the time we got to shoulders, after going through squats, cling and press/ dead lifts, bicepts, chest, tricepts, my "push-ups" were more like a "hover and pray"!

But, I made it. :) After class, I drug my jello-body into the sauna for a bit, hoping that my muscles would loosen up a bit more so as to not be bed-ridden tomorrow. Oh, tomorrow... An hour and 15 minutes of sheer butt-whoopin', otherwise known as kickboxing. If I can walk, I will be there. You know where you will find me: on the second to last row, of course - for now. :)